My EG Services Berhad Annual Report 2020

MY E.G. SERVICES BERHAD Regisration No. 200001003034 (505639-K) 94 PRINCIPAL C: INTEGRITY IN CORPORATE REPORTING AND MEANINGFUL RELATIONSHIP WITH STAKEHOLDERS I. COMMUNICATION WITH STAKEHOLDERS 5IF (SPVQ SFDPHOJTFT UIF JNQPSUBODF PG TUBLFIPMEFST FOHBHFNFOU MFBEJOH UP UIF MPOH UFSN TVTUBJOBCJMJUZ PG JUT CVTJOFTTFT "T B SFTQPOTJCMF DPSQPSBUF DJUJ[FO UIF (SPVQ NVTU JOUFSBDU XJUI TUBLFIPMEFST BOE BMTP BDLOPXMFEHF the potential impact that its operations may have on a wide range of stakeholders. For an engagement to be constructive and meaningful, each matter considered by the Board ought to be in the context of the relevant economic, social and environmental factors. The Group has heightened its engagement efforts with stakeholders by engaging with analysts, fund managers and shareholders, both locally and overseas, upon request. 5IF (SPVQ IBT FNCBSLFE JUT *OUFHSBUFE 3FQPSUJOH TJODF '1 CZ BEPQUJOH UIF *OUFSOBUJPOBM *OUFHSBUFE Reporting Council Integrated Reporting Principles Based Framework and is at a nascent stage of the Integrated Reporting journey. The Group is committed to enhancing the disclosures in annual reports in order to provide systematic and comprehensive disclosures of the Group’s value creation. II. CONDUCT OF GENERAL MEETINGS The Group’s AGM is an important means of communicating with its shareholders. To ensure effective participation and engagement with the shareholders at the AGM of the Group, all members of the Board would be present at the meeting to respond to questions raised by shareholders and proxies. In addition, the Chairman of the Board would chair the AGM in an orderly manner and encourage the shareholders and proxies to speak at the meeting. The overall performance of the Group would be presented at the meeting. *O MJOF XJUI HPPE HPWFSOBODF QSBDUJDFT UIF OPUJDF PG UIF "(. XPVME CF JTTVFE BU MFBTU EBZT CFGPSF UIF "(. date and the voting at the AGM is conducted through an electronic polling system. The Nineteenth AGM of the Company was conducted entirely through live streaming and online remote voting using Remote Participation and Voting (“ RPV ”) facilities. The Group will continue to leverage on the use of technology, to enhance the quality of engagement with its shareholders to facilitate further participations by shareholders at the general meetings of the Group. PRELUDE The following pages cover the Board, its role, performance and oversight. Details on the Board’s activities and discussions during the financial year along with the actions arising from these and the progress made, are provided. In addition, insights on director independence, evaluation on the effectiveness of our Board, succession planning and PUIFS PO HPJOH EFWFMPQNFOUT BSF BMTP QSPWJEFE CORPORATE GOVERNANCE OVERVIEW (CONT’D)