My EG Services Berhad Annual Report 2020

ANNUAL REPORT 2020 41 STRENGTHS DESCRIPTION / SIGNIFICANCE STRATEGIES TO LEVERAGE ON STRENGTHS Growing portfolio of services Strong technological and innovation capabilities The Group is not just the market leader in terms of market share and its dominant brand position, but also for its leadership / dominant position in bringing new offerings to market, for product innovation and in developing un i que of f er i ngs be tween DPNNFSDJBM BOE F HPWFSONFOU services that offer strong value propositions for users. 1JPOFFSJOH OFX IFBMUIDBSF SFMBUFE TFSWJDFT and products in both Malaysia and abroad to aid our government partners in their GJHIU BHBJOTU UIF TQSFBE PG UIF $07*% virus. Some of these services and products launched were: r .Z4BGF5SBWFM r $POUBDU USBDJOH BQQM JDBUJPO TVDI BT MyEGuard in Philippines and Jejak in Indonesia r .Z4BGF2 r 0OF 4UPQ $07*% 1PSUBM r 3BQJE $07*% UFTU LJUT St rengthen col laborat ions wi th key government sectors with substantial contract renewals that allow for the introduction of new concession services into the region. These OFX F HPWFSONFOU TFSWJDFT XFSF r 'BDJMJUBUJPO PG UIF DPMMFDUJPO PG QBZNFOU PS dues on behalf of the Malaysian government SFMBUJOH UP $07*% EFUFDUJPO UFTUT BOE quarantine station charges r 3FOFXBM PG NPUPSDZDMF JOTVSBODF BOE SPBE UBY BT XFMM BT $%- -FWFSBHJOH PO FYJTUJOH UFDIOPMPHJFT BMMPXT for further penetration into existing markets with similar product concept while offering possibilities of venturing into new geographical MPDBUJPOT J F F HPWFSONFOU TFSWJDFT UP OFX and existing overseas markets. Quick business response MYEG was quick to adapt to the $07*% QBOEFNJD XJUI UIF MBVODI PG OFX QBOEFNJD SFMBUFE products and services. MYEG will continue to enhance its product cycle time to ensure faster launch of products BOE TFSWJDFT UP UIF NBSLFU #FZPOE $07*% other changes in the external environment may necessitate quick changes to ensure relevance and competitiveness. Swiftly and suitably meeting market demands for a string of products and services that DPOUSJCVUF UP $07*% SFMBUFE EFUFDUJPO prevention, screening payment collection, employee testing registration and proof of compliance certification and others. Penetration into the healthcare and financial sectors for business expansion allows adoption PG B DSPTT TFMMJOH TUSBUFHZ UP SFBDI B MBSHFS VTFS base across multiple geographical markets. OUR BUSINESS STRENGTHS (CONT’D) OUR BUSINESS