My EG Services Berhad Annual Report 2020

ANNUAL REPORT 2020 29 CHONG CHIEN MING Chief Financial Officer Age Nationality : Malaysian Gender : Male Date of appointment +BOVBSZ Years of working experience : 23 years Qualifications r #BDIFMPS %FHSFF JO "DDPVOUJOH 6OJWFSTJUJ 1VUSB Malaysia r .FNCFS .BMBZTJBO *OTUJUVUF PG "DDPVOUBOUT .*" Working experience and occupation 2000 Internal Audit Executive, MBF Management Services Sdn Bhd 'JOBODF &YFDVUJWF 1FSFNCB Development Sdn Bhd "TTJTUBOU 'JOBODF .BOBHFS "&0/ Credit Service (M) Sdn Bhd 'JOBODJBM $POUSPMMFS .:&( QSFTFOU $IJFG 'JOBODJBM 0GàDFS .:&( Directorship of public companies/listed issuer Nil Relationships with other directors/shareholders/ listed issuer Nil Conflict of Interests with listed issuer Nil Any other convictions (aside from traffic offences) Nil DATUK NOR ADNAN BIN ZAINAL ABIDIN Project Director Age Nationality : Malaysian Gender : Male Date of appointment : September 2013 Years of working experience ZFBST Qualifications r #BDIFMPS %FHSFF JO #VTJOFTT "ENJOJTUSBUJPO )POT Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia r $FSUJàDBUF PG 5FBDIJOH 5FBDIJOH &OHMJTI BT B 4FDPOE -BOHVBHF 4VMUBO *ESJT 5FBDIFST 5SBJOJOH $PMMFHF Working experience and occupation &OHMJTI 5FBDIFS 1MBOT BOE $POUSPM "OBMZTU .FTJOJBHB Berhad #VTJOFTT 1MBOOJOH .BOBHFS .FTJOJBHB Berhad #VTJOFTT %FWFMPQNFOU 1SPKFDU Management) in various companies such as: r .FTJOJBHB #FSIBE r (PQFOH #FSIBE r .BYJNBM 5FDIOPMPHZ 4EO #IE r %BUBQPXFS 4EO #IE r .JOJTUSZ PG &EVDBUJPO 1SPKFDU 5FBN (MSCTC Sdn Bhd) #VTJOFTT %FWFMPQNFOU %JSFDUPS .4$ Technology Centre Sdn Bhd %JSFDUPS PG (PWFSONFOU $PNNVOJDBUJPO "GGBJST %&-- "TJB 1BDJàD )FBE PG 4BMFT BOE .BSLFUJOH %BUBTPOJD Group Berhad QSFTFOU 1SPKFDU %JSFDUPS .:&( Directorship of public companies/listed issuer Nil Relationships with other directors/shareholders/ listed issuer Nil Conflict of Interests with listed issuer Nil Any other convictions (aside from traffic offences) Nil KEY SENIOR MANAGEMENT’S PROFILES LEADERSHIP