My EG Services Berhad Annual Report 2020

MY E.G. SERVICES BERHAD Regisration No. 200001003034 (505639-K) 2 For financial year ended 31 December 2020 (“ FY2020 ”), MY E.G. Services Berhad (“ MYEG ” or the “ Company ”) and its subsidiaries (the “ Group ”) continue to make progress in strengthening its disclosures and affirms its commitment towards the principles of Integrated Reporting (“ <IR> ”). Having made significant headway in the adoption of the <IR> guiding principles and content elements in previous years, the FY2020 integrated annual report (“ IAR ”) looks to strengthen linkages between strategic content towards realising stronger connectivity of information. This is towards presenting a more compelling and clear value creation narrative that is comprehensive, yet still concise for readers. The objective of the IAR is to present readers with a story that eschews presenting strategic information in isolation and instead, showcases how content is related to each other in a dynamic fashion. This enables a more coherent viewpoint of MYEG’s external environment, its business model and business strategies, its risk and opportunities and how all of these converge together to influence and impact value creation. APPROACH TO REPORT CONTENT In selecting relevant content for the IAR, the Group has adopted the following materiality criteria: r *OGPSNBUJPO UIBU JT QFSUJOFOU UP UIF (SPVQ T SFTPVSDFT DBQJUBMT r *OGPSNBUJPO UIBU JT QFSUJOFOU UP UIF CVTJOFTT NPEFM r *OGPSNBUJPO UIBU JT QFSUJOFOU UP PVUQVUT BOE PVUDPNFT DSFBUFE àOBODJBM BOE OPO àOBODJBM WBMVFT In essence, this report focuses on matters that may have a significant influence on our ability to create value across UIF TIPSU NFEJVN BOE MPOH UFSN IPSJ[POT *U JODMVEFT àOBODJBM BOE OPO àOBODJBM QFSGPSNBODF SJTLT PQQPSUVOJUJFT BOE outcomes of the strategic initiatives of Group. Given the above, the MYEG FY2020 IAR has incorporated the following content elements: CONTENT ELEMENT DESCRIPTION Corporate Profile This section effectively provides an overview of the organisation – providing general details on Group’s business operations, locations of business operations, services provided and other related introductory information. Our Business Process Details the actual business model or business processes that Group employs in the provision of its services to users. The section depicts the customer journey from start to end and how the business model facilitates the consumption of services. Our Business Strengths Outlines how the business model enables Group to derive specific business strengths or competitive advantages. The section also illustrates the dynamic, interconnected relationship between the business process or business model with business strengths and business strategy. Our Operating Environment 5IJT TFDUJPO TIPXT IPX (SPVQ DPOUJOVFT UP CF XFMM BUUVOFE UP UIF NBDSP PQFSBUJOH environment and how external trends and developments may impact the availability of capitals, internal business processes (the business model effectively) and value creation capabilities. Our Risks and Opportunities The assessment of external factors and its impacts on Group enables the development PG B SJTL BOE MJLFMJIPPE NBUSJY UIBU DBO JNQBDU àOBODJBM BOE OPO àOBODJBM WBMVF DSFBUJPO Value Creation Model The provision of the value creation model to depict how resources are consumed to drive value creation. Outlook and Prospects Beyond providing the overall operating landscape for FY2021, this section also outlines what are the key strategic priorities for Group going forward and describes how the Group intends to realise its future business plans. Strategic Snapshot A summary table providing key strategic information that showcases the linkage of strategic content for the benefit of readers who require a quick read of all presented content elements. ABOUT THIS REPORT