My EG Services Berhad Annual Report 2020

ANNUAL REPORT 2020 17 5IFTF PQQPSUVOJUJFT JODMVEFE FYQBOTJPO PG JUT F HPWFSONFOU TFSWJDFT BOE JUT DPNNFSDJBM CVTJOFTTFT JOUP UIF IFBMUIDBSF BOE àOBODJBM TFDUPST BEPQUJOH B DSPTT TFMMJOH TUSBUFHZ UP SFBDI B MBSHFS VTFS CBTF BDSPTT NVMUJQMF geographical markets. This was in addition to the renewal and strengthening of our established government concession services. Given our position as a leading digital services provider in Malaysia and other markets we operate in, it was imperative that we continued to ensure smooth operations and service delivery sans disruption. *O ': PVS LFZ GPDVT BSFBT XFSF UP FOTVSF FGàDJFOU EFMJWFSZ PG F HPWFSONFOU BOE DPNNFSDJBM TFSWJDFT UISPVHI our portals, ensure sufficient capacity to cope with the surge in transaction volumes as more users turned to digital channels during the pandemic period and finally, to address the most urgent needs of the government and the people UPXBSET QMBZJOH B SPMF JO UIF àHIU BHBJOTU $07*% By adopting the aforementioned proactive stance and leveraging on the inherent strengths of our business model, MYEG has developed, progressed and registered robust business and operational performance. FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE In striving to better showcase our financial performance for the year under review, we have included financial figures GSPN '1 BT XFMM BT ': ': UBLFT JOUP BDDPVOU UIF QFSJPE PG +BOVBSZ UP %FDFNCFS NPOUIT XIJMF '1 JT UIF QFSJPE PG 0DUPCFS UP %FDFNCFS NPOUIT "T .:&( T àOBODJBM QFSJPE EVSBUJPOT PG ': BOE '1 BSF EJGGFSFOU GSPN FBDI PUIFS UIVT PVS ': BOE '1 àOBODJBM àHVSFT BOE EBUB BSF OPU XIPMMZ DPNQBSBCMF UP FBDI PUIFS *O ': .:&( T SFWFOVF GPS UIF àOBODJBM ZFBS SFBDIFE 3. NJMMJPO '1 3. NJMMJPO XIJMF QSPàU CFGPSF UBY XBT 3. NJMMJPO '1 3. NJMMJPO 5IF (SPVQ T OFU FBSOJOHT QFS TIBSF TUPPE BU TFO '1 TFO Revenue and earnings were contributed from both the Group’s government concession services as well as commercial services, as both business segments continue to play a vital role in contributing towards the Group’s strong financial performance. Contributions from the Group’s government concession services segment included service offerings from the Immigration Department and +1+ and associated ancillary services. Contributions from the commercial services TFHNFOU DPOTJTUFE PG NPUPS WFIJDMF USBEJOH SFMBUFE TFSWJDFT àOBODJOH TFSWJDFT TBMF PG UBY NPOJUPSJOH TZTUFN BOE GPSFJHO XPSLFS SFMBUFE TFSWJDFT BT XFMM BT OFX IFBMUIDBSF SFMBUFE TFSWJDFT TVDI BT $07*% IFBMUI TDSFFOJOH BOE quarantine services. "EEJUJPOBMMZ OFXMZ MBVODIFE HPWFSONFOU DPODFTTJPO BOE DPNNFSDJBM TFSWJDFT TVDI BT UIF POMJOF SFOFXBM PG NPUPSDZDMF insurance and road tax, online renewal of $%- .Z4BGF5SBWFM TZTUFN GPS JOCPVOE USBWFMMFST UP .BMBZTJB .:&( T #&-* POMJOF HSPDFSZ TUPSF BOE DPOUSJCVUJPOT GSPN UIF $BSE#J[ )PMEJOHT 4EO #IE BOE JUT TVCTJEJBSJFT QBZNFOU TPMVUJPOT BOE hardware and merchant acquiring services also drove topline and bottomline performance in FY2020. DIVIDEND PAYOUT TO SHAREHOLDERS On 27 February 2020, Board EFDMBSFE B àOBM TJOHMF UJFS EJWJEFOE PG TFO QFS PSEJOBSZ TIBSF BNPVOUJOH UP 3. NJMMJPO GPS '1 XIJDI XBT QBJE PO /PWFNCFS BOE XBT FOUJUMFE GPS EJWJEFOE SFJOWFTUNFOU QMBO i DRP ”). 6OEFS UIF %31 GPS UIJT àOBM TJOHMF UJFS EJWJEFOE B UPUBM PG BEEJUJPOBM .:&( TIBSFT XFSF JTTVFE BU UIF QSJDF PG 3. QFS TIBSF XIJDI BNPVOUFE UP 3. NJMMJPO 0O "VHVTU UIF #PBSE EFDMBSFE B àSTU JOUFSJN TJOHMF UJFS EJWJEFOE PG TFO QFS PSEJOBSZ TIBSF BNPVOUJOH UP 3. NJMMJPO GPS ': XIJDI XBT QBJE PO /PWFNCFS BOE XBT FOUJUMFE GPS %31 6OEFS UIF %31 B UPUBM PG BEEJUJPOBM .:&( TIBSFT XFSF JTTVFE BU UIF QSJDF PG 3. QFS TIBSF XIJDI BNPVOUFE UP 3. NJMMJPO Given the company’s robust financial performance, the Board has declared a final dividend of 1.7 sen in respect of the FY2020, subjected to shareholders’ approval at our forthcoming 20 th AGM. 5PUBM EJWJEFOE EFDMBSFE GPS ': JT FYQFDUFE UP CF TFO QFS PSEJOBSZ TIBSF BQQSPYJNBUFMZ SFQSFTFOUJOH B payout ratio. MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS REVIEW OF THE MACRO-OPERATING ENVIRONMENT (CONT’D) PERFORMANCE