My EG Services Berhad Annual Report 2020

ANNUAL REPORT 2020 15 INVESTOR RELATIONS Investor relations is a key aspect of our overall stakeholder management and engagement strategies and also part of our value creation process. Ensuring a true and fair understanding of our business model and prospects is vital to enhancing our brand image and generating strong interest in MYEG among local and international investors. 0VS BQQSPBDI UP JOWFTUPS SFMBUJPOT JT DFOUSFE PO FOBCMJOH BO FGGFDUJWF UXP XBZ FOHBHFNFOU XJUI TIBSFIPMEFST QPUFOUJBM JOWFTUPST MPDBM BOE HMPCBM JOEJDFT TVDI BT UIF '54& (PPE *OEFY PG XIJDI .:&( JT B DPOTUJUVFOU BOE PUIFS related stakeholders. Our investor outreach programme is centred on the following: r 5JNFMZ BDDVSBUF BOE USBOTQBSFOU EJTDMPTVSFT r " EFEJDBUFE JOWFTUPS SFMBUJPOT QPSUBM PO PVS DPSQPSBUF XFCTJUF XIJDI IPVTFT B DPNQSFIFOTJWF EFQPTJUPSZ of investment related information. These include share price and stock information, corporate information, governance policies, annual and interim financial information, press releases and news clippings, corporate BOOPVODFNFOUT BT XFMM BT SFQPSUT BOE QSFTFOUBUJPOT UIBU BSF LFQU VQ UP EBUF r %JBMPHVF TFTTJPO CFUXFFO TIBSFIPMEFST NBOBHFNFOU BOE UIF #PBSE PG %JSFDUPST i Board ”) at the annual general meeting (“ AGM u r .FFUJOHT BOE DPOGFSFODF DBMMT XJUI JOTUJUVUJPOBM BOE QSJWBUF TIBSFIPMEFST UIF .JOPSJUZ 4IBSFIPMEFS 8BUDIEPH (SPVQ BOE QPUFOUJBM JOWFTUPST r &OHBHFNFOU XJUI JOWFTUNFOU BOE SFTFBSDI IPVTFT NBSLFU BOBMZTUT BOE PUIFS LFZ TUBLFIPMEFST GSPN UIF JOWFTUNFOU BOE àOBODJBM DPNNVOJUZ BOE r 1BSUJDJQBUJPO JO CPUI WJSUVBM BOE QIZTJDBM JOWFTUNFOU SFMBUFE DPOGFSFODFT BOE SPBETIPXT JO HMPCBM àOBODJBM centres hosted by leading local and international investment banks. Investor Relations Contact 'FFECBDL PS RVFSJFT DBO CF DIBOOFMMFE UP PVS *OWFTUPS 3FMBUJPOT VOJU BU 5FM PS WJB F NBJM UP . We always welcome open dialogue with the investment community. PERFORMANCE