Encik Amir Nashrin Bin Johari (“Encik Amir Nashrin”), aged 30, male, a Malaysian, was appointed to the Board on 6 March 2024 as an Executive Director. He holds a 1st Class (Hons) Bachelor of Science in Accounting and Finance from Oxford Brookes University, Oxford, United Kingdom.
He has worked in financial assurance departments of EY Malaysia and KPMG Malaysia, between 2014 to 2017, where he was involved in the provision of external financial audit for a diverse range of industries including a large national non-profit organisation, trading enterprises, manufacturing, hospitality, banking and real estate management companies.
During his time at KPMG, Encik Amir Nashrin had also worked as a management consultant under KPMG’s Strategy & Operations advisory division. In this capacity, he participated in a variety of engagements, encompassing economic planning, policy review, assessments of corporate governance, as well as reviews of financial and commercial strategies for both public and private sector clients.
He joined the Company as a Manager on 1 December 2017. Subsequently, he was redesignated as General Manager of the Company on 3 January 2023. Following from his appointment to the Board, he stepped down from his position as General Manager. He currently serves as a director of Continental Resources Sdn Bhd and Palmtop Sdn Bhd (FKA Palmtop Vegeoil Products Sdn Bhd), both of which are subsidiaries of the Company.
He has spent the past nine (9) years in various management and executive roles in different industries and companies, including audit and management consulting, various technology-based startups, private investment companies, and a public cable manufacturing company in Melaka. His roles covered corporate finance, strategy management, asset management, credit control, business development, accounting, treasury, and information systems.
In his personal capacity, Encik Amir Nashrin was also involved with various non-profit movements and organisations such as a special needs care centre, a refugee care centre, a digital non-profit directory, community gardens, and youth development programmes.
Encik Amir Nashrin is currently a Board member of KUB Malaysia Berhad and Central Cable Berhad. He is the son of Datuk Seri Johari Bin Abdul Ghani, a major shareholder of the Company. Save as disclosed, he does not have any family relationship with any Director and/or other major shareholder of the Company. He does not have any conflict of interest or potential conflict of interest, including interest in any competing business with the Company or its subsidiaries. He does not have any interest in the securities of the Company and its subsidiaries.
He has not been convicted for any offences within the past five (5) years or imposed with any public sanctions or penalties by the relevant regulatory bodies during the financial period other than traffic offences, if any.
He attended one (1) Board meeting held during the financial year ended 30 June 2024 since his appointment to the Board on 6 March 2024.