SCC Holdings Berhad Annual Report 2019

11 SCC Holdings Berhad | Annual Report 2019 Sustainability has always been an integral component in our Group’s operations. We recognize our duty and responsibility to maintain a high standard of sustainability governance explicitly on the Economic, Environmental and Social (EES) areas to create continuous and long-term values for our stakeholders. ECONOMICS Our Group is committed to ensure that the interest of all its stakeholders is taken care of by emphasizing practices in good corporate governance, accountability and transparency. We strive to comply with laws and regulations and endeavour to conduct ourselves in a manner beyond reproach. Stakeholders Engagement To ensure that our shareholders and investors obtain pertinent information in an apt manner, we release timely and quality information on our financial performance and position via Bursa Quarterly Announcement. We hold Annual General Meeting which serves as a platform of communication on business operations and outlook with our shareholders. Our corporate website acts as a tool that enables our shareholders and investors to keep abreast of our financial performance and latest developments. Furthermore, the “Investor Relations” section is specially designed to ensure more effective dissemination of information. Supply Chain Management We actively streamline our procurement process to maximize our customer value and gain competitive advantages in the long run without compromising on the quality of our products and services. The Board and management team strongly believe that quality assurance will increase the competitive edge of the entire Group in the marketplace. Hence, our Group is committed to provide high quality products and services to our customers. To ensure that our standard is on par with the industry consensus standards, we have taken the initiative to adopt ISO standards in our day-to-day operations. Our quality management system is certified under ISO 9001:2015. Future Prospects We strive to enhance profitability and strengthen our market presence in order to support our long-term sustainability and growth. Hence, we place utmost importance on our products and services quality and we are committed to sustain this momentum and keep it going in order to expand our customer base and grow our business in the local and regional markets. ENVIRONMENT Environmental sustainability forms an intrinsic part of our Group’s sustainability philosophy. We have been integrating best sustainability practices across our business operations and making headway to become a responsible establishment in conserving the environment. We are thrilled to have made a leap by assimilating the Cook-Chill system concept into our product portfolio. Cook-Chill is a simple, controlled system of advanced food preparation. Its technique involves the full cooking of food, followed by rapid chilling and storage at controlled temperature. Optimal food storage inhibits the growth of bacteria and thus promotes food safety. Moreover, Cook-Chill system has the added benefit of maintaining food quality, nutrition, flavour as well as appearance. Food wastage is a ubiquitous issue which rife across all aspects of the supply chain and every corner of the globe. The emission of methane from the food sitting in landfills is believed to be one of the key culprits of climate change. Through Cook-Chill system, food can be prepared according to consumer’s desired portion and this will greatly reduce food wastage and carbon footprint. sustainability statement