SCC Holdings Berhad Annual Report 2018

SCC Holdings Berhad | Annual Report 2018 36. Attributable to Owners of the Parent Non-Distributable <Distributable> Share Share Fair value Retained Capital Premium Reserve Earnings Total Group Note RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 At 1 January 2018, as previously stated 24,079 - 72 15,979 40,130 Opening balance adjustment from adoption of MFRS 9 - - - (43) (43) At January 2018, as restated 24,079 - 72 15,936 40,087 Net profit for the financial year - - - 7,149 7,149 Other comprehensive loss for the financial year - - (2) - (2) Total comprehensive (loss)/ income for the financial year - - (2) 7,149 7,147 Transaction with owners: Dividends paid/payable 25 - - - (4,799) (4,799) At 31 December 2018 24,079 - 70 18,286 42,435 At 1 January 2017 21,388 2,696 58 14,326 38,468 Net profit for the financial year - - - 6,050 6,050 Other comprehensive income for the financial year - - 14 - 14 Total comprehensive income for the financial year - - 14 6,050 6,064 Transactions with owners: Dividends paid/payable 25 - - - (4,397) (4,397) Share issuance expenses - (5) - - (5) Total transactions with owners - (5) - (4,397) (4,402) Transfer in accordance with Section 618(2) of the Companies Act, 2016 13, 14 2,691 (2,691) - - - At 31 December 2017 24,079 - 72 15,979 40,130 STATEMENTS OF CHANGES IN EQUITY FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2018