Ni Hsin Berhad Annual Report 2018

Annual Report 2018 Ni Hsin Resources Berhad (653353-W) 33 Our business practices are governed by: • Code of Conduct, which is applicable to directors, officers and employees of NI HSIN in their dealings with each other and all stakeholders of the Group; and • Whistle Blowing Policies and Procedures. Code of Conduct The Company’s Code of Conduct (“Code”) sets out the standards which the directors, officers and employees (together “Personnel”) of NHR and its subsidiaries are expected to comply in relation to the affairs of NHR’s businesses when dealing with each other, shareholders and the broader community. The Code is intended to focus on the Board and management on areas of ethical risk, provide guidance to personnel to help them to recognize and deal with ethical issues, provide mechanisms to report unethical conduct, and help to foster a culture of honesty and accountability. The Code also sets out the prohibited activities or misconduct involving gifts, gratuities, bribes and corruption, insider trading and money laundering. Whistle Blowing Policies and Procedures The Company’s Whistle Blowing Policies and Procedures (“WPP”) promotes an environment of integrity and ethical behaviour within the Group. The WPP provides an avenue for employees or any external party to report any breach or suspected breach of any law or regulation, including business principles and the Group’s policies and guidelines, in a safe and confidential manner. Our policies, which can be viewed on our website at, are reviewed regularly to ensure they reflect any changes in legislative requirements and the business environment. No cases of breaches in ethics and integrity practices were reported during the FY2018. Occupational Health and Safety (“OHS”) Our ideal state is zero work-related illnesses and injuries and improved health and well-being for all employees. We uphold strong health, safety and security standards within NI HSIN’s areas of operations, whether it is within NI HSIN’s premises or offsite to reduce opportunities for health or safety hazards and prevent workplace fatalities. To accomplish this, NI HSIN will: • operate facilities safely and ensure that processes are safe and healthy for our employees. We will accomplish this by following uniform corporate safety standards. Safe operations have been a long-standing part of NI HSIN culture, re ecting the belief that our employees are our most important asset; • construct our facilities so as not to compromise on the safety and health features designed into them; • monitor progress toward our objective of preventing injuries, illnesses, and incidents. We will continually assess and improve our safety and health technologies and programs; • have every employee understand and be responsible for incorporating safe behaviour in daily business activities. Every employee is trained to work in a safe and healthy manner; • have operating standards, practices, systems, and resources in place to implement this policy. NI HSIN’s emergency preparedness and response program helps protect the health and safety of NI HSIN employees and the environment. NI HSIN develops documented Workplace Emergencies and Evacuations and Immediate Action after Accident for responding to fires, natural disasters and other potential incidents. Corporate Sustainability Statement (continued)