Frontken Berhad Annual Report 2023

Frontken Corporation Berhad 200401012517 (651020-T) • ANNUAL REPORT 2023 87 STATEMENTS OF CHANGES IN EQUITY FOR THE FINANCIAL YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2023 (CONT’D) Non-distributable Distributable Foreign Attributable currency Share to owners Non- Share Treasury translation Statutory grant plan Retained of the controlling Total capital shares reserve reserve reserve earnings Company interests equity The Group RM RM RM RM RM RM RM RM RM Balance at 1 January 2023 118,441,045 (4,747,849) 39,624,182 33,862,259 4,183,700 357,105,294 548,468,631 39,454,018 587,922,649 Other comprehensive income recognised for the financial year: - defined benefit plan actuarial gain - - - - - 96,355 96,355 9,491 105,846 - foreign currency translation differences - - 21,626,107 - - - 21,626,107 1,414,432 23,040,539 Profit after tax for the financial year - - - - - 111,950,507 111,950,507 12,388,593 124,339,100 Total comprehensive income for the financial year - - 21,626,107 - - 112,046,862 133,672,969 13,812,516 147,485,485 Contributions by and distributions to owners of the Company: - Settlement of share grant plan - 1,008,780 - - (4,183,700) 3,174,920 - - - - Dividends: - by the Company - - - - - (40,844,736) (40,844,736) - (40,844,736) - by subsidiaries to non-controlling interests - - - - - - - (6,382,127) (6,382,127) - Transfer to statutory reserve - - - 11,680,314 - (11,680,314) - - - - Changes in ownership interests in subsidiaries that do not result in a loss of control - - - - - (130,174) (130,174) (148,939) (279,113) Balance at 31 December 2023 118,441,045 (3,739,069) 61,250,289 45,542,573 - 419,671,852 641,166,690 46,735,468 687,902,158 The accompanying Notes form an integral part of these Financial Statements.