Frontken Berhad Annual Report 2023

Frontken Corporation Berhad 200401012517 (651020-T) • ANNUAL REPORT 2023 55 CORPORATE GOVERNANCE OVERVIEW STATEMENT (CONT’D) PRINCIPLE A – BOARD LEADERSHIP AND EFFECTIVENESS (CONT’D) I. BOARD RESPONSIBILITIES (CONT’D) Directors have full access to the Company Secretaries, who are all members of the Malaysian Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators, a division of Chartered Governance Institute, United Kingdom, to provide advisory services to the Board, particularly on corporate governance issues and compliance with the relevant policies and procedures, laws and regulatory requirements, in addition to the administrative matters on meetings of the Board, Board Committees and shareholders. As stipulated in the Board Charter and Fit and Proper Policy, the Directors are required to devote sufficient time to carry out their responsibilities. The Board obtains this commitment from Directors at the time of appointment. Each Director is expected to commit time as and when required to discharge the relevant duties and responsibilities, besides attending meetings of the Board and/or Board Committees. Continuous Professional Development The Board encourages its members to enrol in appropriate continuing education programme to equip them to serve the interests of the Company. The Directors are updated by way of circulars on matters relating to changes to the MMLR and briefing by the Company Secretary(ies) at the Board Meeting following the changes. All Directors have completed the Mandatory Accreditation Programme as required by the Main Listing Requirements of Bursa Securities. During the financial year under review, the trainings attended by the Directors included briefings, seminars, workshops and conferences conducted by the relevant regulatory authorities and professional bodies. Details of the training programmes attended or participated by the Directors are as follows: Directors Training/Seminar/Conference/Workshop Ng Wai Pin • ASEAN Tech Ecosystem - Diversification Plays Conference • The Board Agender: Bursa Malaysia Immersive Session • Malaysia’s Economy - Current Challenges and Direction Forward (Trident Analytics) • JP Morgan ASEAN TMT and Fintech Forum • UBS OneASEAN Conference (Singapore) • Future-Now APAC Conference (HK) • EPF Sustainable Investment Policy Briefing: Technology and Telecommunication Sector • Introduction of Bursa Carbon Exchange & Centralised Sustainability Intelligence Platform Confirmation • Macquarie ASEAN Conference 2023 (Singapore) • 30th CITIC CLSA Investors’ Forum Dr Tay Kiang Meng • A*STAR SIMTech, Be Ready for the World of Digital Transformation and Sustainability • ASM Sustainability & Resiliency Supplier Expectations Webinars • ASM International CDP Supplier Support Webinar • EPF Sustainable Investment Policy Briefing: Technology and Telecommunication Sector • A*STAR First Low Carbon Energy Research Phase 2 Emerging Technology Grant Call • Industrial Transformation ASIA-PACIFIC 2023