Frontken Corporation Berhad 200401012517 (651020-T) • ANNUAL REPORT 2023 39 In the reporting period of FY2023, we achieved the following: (cont’d) ENVIRONMENT INDICATORS UNIT OF MEASURE FY2023 WASTE DATA I. Total waste generated and recycled; tonne 80,583 II. Total hazardous waste generated; tonne 641 III. Total non-recyclable waste generated. tonne 816 ENVIRONMENT COMPLIANCE (a) Total costs of environmental fines and penalties during financial year USD 0 CHEMICAL MANAGEMENT I. Increase usage of environmentally friendly chemical in kg per unit of production by 10%. (Friendly chemical use baseline data FY2019 = 0.97); (kg per part) kg per part 1.68 II. Committed compliance to proper handling, usage, storage and disposal of used chemicals in an environmentally friendly manner. compliance 100% RESPONSIBLE WORKPLACE Frontken Group has been dedicated to improving and implementing robust Work Safety and Health Hazard Prevention Programmes in the workplace. These programmes involve comprehensive hazard assessments, the identification of measures to limit safety and health hazards, and the adoption of measures to ensure the protection of workers. Embracing the “new normal” work practices, the group has diversified working approaches to enhance productivity and empower employees to utilise their abilities to the fullest. Furthermore, ongoing initiatives such as job redesign, performance management, and other systems aim to expand the role and expectations for each employee, fostering a pivot to jobbased and skill-based human capital management. The commitment to providing a safe and injury-free working environment is articulated in Frontken’s Health, Safety, and Environment policy statement, aligning with Workplace Safety and Health (“WSH”) regulations across various jurisdictions. The group actively promotes awareness of workplace occupational health and safety and strives to elevate safety standards for stakeholders through the implementation of a comprehensive WSH work plan. This plan includes measures such as training and education, fire safety improvements, and onsite safety inspections. Frontken Group believes in the preventability of all workplace injuries, setting an ultimate goal of achieving zero injuries through continued investment in core safety programmes and injury reduction initiatives. The implementation of a mandatory WSH training programme for operational employees equips them with essential knowledge, covering safety responsibilities and specific job-related topics such as electrical safety, ergonomics, control of hazardous materials, and chemical safety. The group maintains 100% compliance with all regulatory requirements relevant to the health and safety performance of its operations and processes. A robust health and safety system is in place to identify and evaluate hazards and risks, with regular internal and third-party audits conducted to review and qualify the safety system. The Environment, Safety, and Health (“ESH”) and Sustainability team developed detailed Health and Safety Protocols for all sites and operations, supporting and safeguarding employees in challenging times. Frontken Group remains committed in its commitment to prioritising the health, safety, and well-being of its workforce. SUSTAINABILITY REPORT (CONT’D)