Frontken Corporation Berhad 200401012517 (651020-T) • ANNUAL REPORT 2023 37 In the reporting period of FY2023, we achieved the following: (cont’d) ENVIRONMENT INDICATORS UNIT OF MEASURE FY2023 SCOPE 2: GHG EMISSIONS INTENSITY PER UNIT PRODUCTION I. Reduce 10% our GHG emissions per unit of production. (Energy consumption and GHG emissions baseline data FY2020). kgCO2e per part 6.13 SCOPE 3: GHG EMISSION DATA Purchased goods and services tCO2e 8,703 Capital goods tCO2e 36,126 Fuel-and-energy-related activities (not included in scope 1 or 2) tCO2e 2,363 Upstream transportation and distribution tCO2e 0 Waste generated in operations tCO2e 1,487 Business travel tCO2e 279 Employee commuting tCO2e 257 Upstream leased assets tCO2e 0 Investments tCO2e 0 Downstream transportation and distribution tCO2e 5,146 Processing of sold products tCO2e 0 Use of sold products tCO2e 0 End of life treatment of sold products tCO2e 0 Downstream leased assets tCO2e 0 Franchises tCO2e 0 Other (upstream) tCO2e 0 Other (downstream) tCO2e 0 Total/no breakdown tCO2e 54,361 AIR POLLUTANT EMISSIONS (a) Short Term Goal by 2025: (i) Reduce 10% our unit air pollutant emissions – the amount of air pollutant emissions in kg per unit of production. (Baseline data FY2020). (kg per part) number of abnormal occurrences 0.0043 SUSTAINABILITY REPORT (CONT’D)