Frontken Corporation Berhad 200401012517 (651020-T) • ANNUAL REPORT 2023 110 NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (CONT’D) 11. PROPERTY, PLANT AND EQUIPMENT (CONT’D) COST Foreign As at currency As at 31 1 January translation Reclassi- December 2023 differences fications Additions Write-offs Disposals 2023 The Group RM RM RM RM RM RM RM Freehold land 31,468,297 1,086,523 - - - - 32,554,820 Land improvement 287,698 10,906 - - - - 298,604 Freehold buildings 121,835,800 4,724,764 5,710,150 671,686 (64,284) - 132,878,116 Long-term leasehold buildings 44,085,700 2,225,239 - - - - 46,310,939 Factory and office renovation 29,863,792 1,086,291 900,615 567,431 - - 32,418,129 Plant and machinery 253,099,340 9,887,670 5,312,098 4,065,779 (3,724,408) (2,129,846) 266,510,633 Workshop tools 2,457,739 - - 90,561 - - 2,548,300 Office equipment 11,269,539 506,873 111,920 533,890 (34,693) - 12,387,529 Furniture and fittings 933,776 8,249 - - - - 942,025 Motor vehicles 12,238,450 375,666 - 763,649 - (502,274) 12,875,491 Computers 1,720,801 42,703 - 136,671 (5,290) - 1,894,885 Capital work-in-progress 11,059,725 273,848 (12,034,783) 8,414,351 - - 7,713,141 Total 520,320,657 20,228,732 - 15,244,018 (3,828,675) (2,632,120) 549,332,612