Frontken Berhad Annual Report 2021

Frontken Corporation Berhad 200401012517 (651020-T) • A N N U A L R E P O R T 2 0 2 1 38 SOCIAL & PEOPLE INDICATORS UNIT OF MEASURE FY2021 INCLUSION AND DIVERSITY (iv) The percentage of women in the Group’s workforce; percentage 19.94% (v) Number of nationalities in the Group’s workforce; number 8 (vi) Committed compliance to hire, develop, reward, promote and retain any employee purely based on their talents, commitment, potential and the results of their achievement. compliance 100% EQUAL OPPORTUNITY (i) Committed to achieve Zero incidents of unfair discrimination or harassment practices; based on race, colour, age, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, ethnicity or national origin, disability, pregnancy, religion, political affiliation, marital status in hiring and employment practices such as wages, promotions, rewards, and access to training. number of incidents 0 TALENT DEVELOPMENT (i) Achieve 100% coverage of annual staff appraisal practices to develop talent; percentage 100% (ii) Committed compliance to employee development programmes to enhance knowledge and skills for specific talent and succession planning. compliance Yes TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT (i) Committed to increase the amount of training hours invested by 10% (baseline date from FY2019); hour 15,053 (ii) Amount of time spent on employee talent development training to enhance knowledge or individual skills; days 2,316 (iii) Achieve 95% all employees are trained and educated in their respective work scope. percentage 92.86% SOCIAL PARTICIPATION (i) Increase the number of social participation activities by 10%; number 7 (ii) Achieve 70% of all employees for social participation activities. percentage 59% SOCIAL IMPACT (i) Increase the amount of number of volunteerism hours invested by 10% (baseline date from FY2019); hour 4,328 (ii) Total equivalent amount of donations/community investments made to registered not-for-profit organisations; and/or for the community; MYR 38,500 (iii) Increase the total number of persons got the benefit through our supporting schools and non-profit organisations; and/or the community via social projects by 10%. (Baseline date from FY2019). person 97 SUSTAINABILITY REPORT (CONT’D)